Adoption ApplicationApplicant must be at least 21 years old, and all members of the household must consent to the adoption. How did you hear about this site? Internet Search Newspaper Friend Other If other, please specify: Name of the animal you're interested in * -Please note all applications must be completed in full to be considered for approval.- Applicant's Name * First Name Last Name Phone Number * (###) ### #### Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Spouse/Partner Name First Name Last Name Phone (###) ### #### Applicant's Home * Own Rent If you own, choose one from below House Condo Mobile Home If you rent, list your landlord's name & phone number Landlord's Name Landlord's Phone Number (###) ### #### How many pets are permitted? If you are planning to move within the next 6 months, what will you do with your pet? Number of adults in the household? Number of children in the household? Ages of children: Employment Information Applicant's name of employer: Number of years with current employer Spouse/Partner Employer: Number of years with current employer: Animals you currently own: Please list the animals you currently own * Please list the animal's species (i.e. dog/cat) along with their name, age, and if they're spayed/neutered. Veterinarian's Name * Veterinarian's Phone Number * (###) ### #### Do you make regular visits to the vet? * Yes No Animals you have owned in the past Please list the animals you have owned in the past as well as what happened to that pet * Informational Questions Please answer the questions below in full. Putting N/A is not considered an answer. These are normal life events and we truly want to know what would happen to your pets if these events should happen. Have you ever released a pet to the outside or to a shelter? * Yes No If yes, please explain why: What would happen to your pet if you moved? * What would happen to your pet if you got divorced? * What would happen to your pet if you or a family member developed allergies? * What would happen to your pet if you went on vacation? * Are you prepared to care for your pet for its lifespan of possibly 20 years? * Yes No How many hours a day will your pet be alone? * Do you have a fenced yard? If not, how do you plan to exercise your pet (Dog Adopters)? If you have children or are planning on having children, how will you introduce the child to the new pet? * In the event of your untimely death, what would happen to your pet? Animals have an adjustment period of 5 minutes to 5 months. How would you and your family cope with a longer adjustment period? If this animal has a behavior problem, how would you and your family handle the situation? Please tell us why you want to adopt a pet: References Please list at least 2 references Name of first reference * First Name Last Name Phone number of first reference * (###) ### #### Name of second reference * First Name Last Name Phone number of second reference * (###) ### #### Thank you!